About Me

It all started on Sunday School Anniversaries at Providence Mission, Smethwick, where I would sing a solo along with my friends as part of the service.  This led to me joining a group called Dunamis for 13 years based at the same church.  This ministry covered   children’s work, open air, evangelistic meetings and prison visits at  Winson Green and Honiley.

I had felt the Lord’s calling to sing at the age of 16, so when the group disbanded I invested in my own PA system and continued singing and sharing my faith at various church meetings and events.  At this time I also successfully auditioned for Roger Jones’ Angel Voices, and then toured the UK and Israel with the rest of the cast.  Following this, I also toured with Pharisee and Snakes and Ladders and appeared on the God Channel with Roger singing one of his Songs and have sung on several of Roger’s albums.

I  have been a Christian since I was 7 years old and currently attend St Martin’s Church, Walsall with my Husband Gary who I married in September 2005.  I am actively involved in the PCC and a part of the Ministry Team.

In the past, I have been involved in various missions and evangelical events with Operation Mobilisation, Youth with a Mission at home and abroad.

My work background has been in administration/secretarial work.

Spare time if I have any! I enjoy music, reading, card making and spending time with Gary, family, and friends.  I also have to admit to being a Trekkie (Star Trek fan) and eating far too much chocolate!.

If you invited me to one of your events or meetings it would include me sharing my faith together with contemporary songs along with some praise and worship.

What people have said about Debra

“Debra demonstrates the best of  contemporary Christian Music, particularly reaching out to young people in a way that makes clear her own position as a committed Christian.  Her hard work coupled with her gifted ability make her a valuable asset to any meetings you may be planning.”

Jeff Plowman

Former Pastor at Gospel Blue Ribbon Mission


“Debra is a person of high integrity, a tremendous team person, and a quality communicator.  She is extremely gifted.”

Roger Jones

Director of Christian Music Ministries


“Debra is a real asset.  Not only does she have a great voice and a bubbly personality, she’s on fire for God.”

Annie Rountley – Christian Music Ministries


“Debra is a very outgoing Smethwickian who loves to share her faith in Jesus whether in song or in talking on a personal basis one to one.  She has the voice and the message worth listening to.”

Ron Southam

Pastor at Providence Church,
